Dismissal/Pick-up/Drop-off Procedures
Dismissal Procedure
Eagle View Elementary dismisses students at 3:45 p.m. If your child does not ride the bus, you will need to pick him/her up in the office hallway at 3:40 p.m. Due to fire codes, you CANNOT park in the drive-thru in front of the main entrance. Please park in the front lot and come in to get your child. Parking in the bus loop is prohibited to all staff and parents during school hours.
Please notify the office by a written note or phone call prior to 2 p.m. if you are picking your child up after school. Your child should always check for his/her name on the TV monitor and come to the office area.
Children will not be released from the bus loop area. Thank you.
Curbside Pick-up (Office Pick-up NO LONGER Permitted)
Please follow these directions and refer to the map for guidance. As a reminder, office pickup is no longer permitted. Please make sure to have your student’s first & last name & grade visible in your car window, this will greatly help the flow of pick-up. A fluorescent pink laminated sign will be provided to you and/or your student, but you can make your own sign as well.
When arriving, you will drive the outside perimeter of the lot, and then pull ahead to form one line in the front of the building.
We will have 4 vehicles at a time pull up past our Main Front Doors, and position themselves between the Little Library (bookcase outside) and the Early Childhood Doors. Please wait for students to get into your vehicles, then leave as a group by taking turns driving in front of our building. Vehicle 2 cannot leave until vehicle 1 is gone. Vehicle 4 cannot leave until vehicles 1, 2, and 3 are gone. Do not pass other vehicles. When all vehicles are gone, a staff member will signal for the next group of cars to pull up. Thank you for your cooperation with this process.
When exiting in front of the building, please travel slowly and be respectful, looking out for any pedestrians in the crosswalks.
- Please do not park or leave your vehicle in the pick-up line; only students should be getting in and out of vehicles.
- Do not pass a vehicle in front of you; exit the Eagle View lot as a group.
- Please make sure to have your student’s name and grade visible in your window
During the Day
Parents/guardians are asked to call or send a note with their child prior to appointments and vacations, etc. Please include the name of the person picking up your child, if it is someone other than the parent/guardian. Whoever picks up the child will be asked to sign the child out of the office, while a secretary contacts the child through the teacher. Students picked up prior to 3:30 pm will result in a half-day absence.
We suggest that appointments be scheduled after school or on non-school days whenever possible.
Student Drop-Off
Due to the high volume of traffic that we are anticipating each morning. Please follow these directions and refer to the map for guidance.
When arriving, you will drive the outside perimeter of the lot, and then pull ahead to form one line in the front of the building.
We will have 6-7 vehicles at a time pull up to our Main Front Doors, stop, drop students off, and then leave as a group by following one another driving in front of our building and out of the parking lot.
When exiting in front of the building, please travel slowly and be respectful, looking out for any pedestrians in the crosswalks.
- Please do not park or leave your vehicle in the drop-off line; only students should be getting out of vehicles and entering the building.
- Do not pass a vehicle in front of you; exit the Eagle View lot as a group.
- For those kids opting to walk or bike to/from school, please make sure you check in with the office when you arrive.